3 research outputs found


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    Krajem 20. te početkom 21. stoljeća sve su izraženije promjene koje se ne događaju samo u pojedinim zemljama ili dijelovima svijeta, nego su globalnih razmjera. Jedna od njih je urbanizacija koja neizbježno dovodi do deruralizacije. Nagli i snažni porast broja gradskog stanovništva i općenito širenja gradova, utjecao je i doveo do promjena u gradskom prometu. Suvremeni gradovi, a posebice oni s velikom površinom i brojem stanovnika, suočavaju se s prometnim preopterećenjima, stoga im je nužna organizacija prometne infrastrukture. Zagušenost, onečišćenje okoliša, prevelika buka samo su neki od negativnih utjecaja koji su nažalost prisutni u mnogim svjetskim gradovima. Zato ljudi, radi očuvanja vlastita zdravlja i mirnijega života, odlaze iz središta grada i nastanjuju se na gradskoj periferiji. U središtima gradova većinom ostaju poslovni prostori i sve što je s njima u vezi. Zato do najvećih zagušenja u gradskom prometu dolazi tijekom dnevnih migracija na posao i s posla. U ovom radu opisat ćemo neke od spomenutih problema gradskoga prometa, ali i ponuditi rješenja radi njihova učinkovitog otklanjanja. Korištenje javnoga prijevoza, bicikala ili odlazak na posao pješice dopuštaju li to prostorne udaljenosti, samo su neke od alternativa koje mogu doprinijeti smanjenju broja osobnih automobila, boljem funkcioniranju gradskog prometa, a samim time i ostalih gradskih aspekata.In the late 20th and early 21st century noticeable changes have occurred not only in particular countries or regions of the world, but also on the global scale. One of these is changes is urbanization, which inevitably leads to deruralization. The rapid and strong increase of urban population and the general expansion of cities have influenced and led to changes in city traffic. Modern cities, especially those with large size and population, are facing traffic overload, so they necessarily require an organization of transport infrastructure. Congestion, pollution, and excessive noise are just some of the negative impacts that are, unfortunately, present in many of the world’s cities. Therefore, to preserve their own health and in search of a quieter life, people migrate from city centres to urban periphery. What remains in the city centres are mostly business premises and everything connected with them. It is the reason why the greatest traffic congestion in the cities takes place at the time when people are commuting to and from work. In this paper we will describe some of the mentioned problems of urban traffic, but we will also offer solutions for their effective elimination. Using public transportation, and bicycles or walking to work, if the distances are not too great are only some of the alternatives that may help in reducing the number of cars, in improving the functioning of urban transport, and thus in improving other aspects of life in the city


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    Krajem 20. te početkom 21. stoljeća sve su izraženije promjene koje se ne događaju samo u pojedinim zemljama ili dijelovima svijeta, nego su globalnih razmjera. Jedna od njih je urbanizacija koja neizbježno dovodi do deruralizacije. Nagli i snažni porast broja gradskog stanovništva i općenito širenja gradova, utjecao je i doveo do promjena u gradskom prometu. Suvremeni gradovi, a posebice oni s velikom površinom i brojem stanovnika, suočavaju se s prometnim preopterećenjima, stoga im je nužna organizacija prometne infrastrukture. Zagušenost, onečišćenje okoliša, prevelika buka samo su neki od negativnih utjecaja koji su nažalost prisutni u mnogim svjetskim gradovima. Zato ljudi, radi očuvanja vlastita zdravlja i mirnijega života, odlaze iz središta grada i nastanjuju se na gradskoj periferiji. U središtima gradova većinom ostaju poslovni prostori i sve što je s njima u vezi. Zato do najvećih zagušenja u gradskom prometu dolazi tijekom dnevnih migracija na posao i s posla. U ovom radu opisat ćemo neke od spomenutih problema gradskoga prometa, ali i ponuditi rješenja radi njihova učinkovitog otklanjanja. Korištenje javnoga prijevoza, bicikala ili odlazak na posao pješice dopuštaju li to prostorne udaljenosti, samo su neke od alternativa koje mogu doprinijeti smanjenju broja osobnih automobila, boljem funkcioniranju gradskog prometa, a samim time i ostalih gradskih aspekata.In the late 20th and early 21st century noticeable changes have occurred not only in particular countries or regions of the world, but also on the global scale. One of these is changes is urbanization, which inevitably leads to deruralization. The rapid and strong increase of urban population and the general expansion of cities have influenced and led to changes in city traffic. Modern cities, especially those with large size and population, are facing traffic overload, so they necessarily require an organization of transport infrastructure. Congestion, pollution, and excessive noise are just some of the negative impacts that are, unfortunately, present in many of the world’s cities. Therefore, to preserve their own health and in search of a quieter life, people migrate from city centres to urban periphery. What remains in the city centres are mostly business premises and everything connected with them. It is the reason why the greatest traffic congestion in the cities takes place at the time when people are commuting to and from work. In this paper we will describe some of the mentioned problems of urban traffic, but we will also offer solutions for their effective elimination. Using public transportation, and bicycles or walking to work, if the distances are not too great are only some of the alternatives that may help in reducing the number of cars, in improving the functioning of urban transport, and thus in improving other aspects of life in the city

    Ethics in solid organ transplantation

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    Transplantacijska etika (TE) određena je brojnim povijesnim, filozofskim, znanstvenim, medicinskim, pravnim, sociološkim i ekonomskim čimbenicima. Nacionalne posebnosti Republike Hrvatske (RH) u ovom se području temelje na zavidnom uspjehu u transplantaciji (TX) solidnih organa i uređenoj relevantnoj legislativi koja pogoduje ovom uspjehu. Tako problemi nedostatka organa za TX, doniranja, dodjele i pravedne raspodjele nisu važne teme TE-a u RH, ali globalno ostaju vodeća etička područja u TX-u. U RH je na snazi uzorit Zakon o presumptivnom pristanku na doniranje organa nakon smrti (tzv. zakon opt-out, jer se izjašnjavanje traži za „biti izvan – out” mogućih darovatelja). Nepoznavanje zakona opt-out o doniranju organa nakon moždane smrti, vrijedećega u RH, neusklađenost s običajima i odredbom Kodeksa medicinske etike i deontologije o traženju suglasnosti obitelji za doniranje organa nakon moždane smrti te nedovoljno regrutiranje kandidata za TX u nas se nameću kao sporne etičke teme. Budućnost predviđa mogućnost TX-a organom nehumanog podrijetla kao što je onaj uzgojen u svinjskom organizmu, što otvara nova etička područja i za RH i za ostatak svijeta.Ethics in transplantation (TX) has been determined by history, philosophy, science, medicine, law, sociology and economics. Croatian national peculiarities are based on the excellent achievements in solid organ TX and outstanding legislation, which supports this success. Thus the prevalent ethical issues in TX at global level, such as organ shortage, donation, allocation and distributive justice, are simply not of major importance in Croatia. There is a model law on presumptive consent for organ donation after death in Croatia (so called “opt-out” law, while a person should declare only if willing to be “out” of the possible donors’ pool). Lack of knowledge of the opt-out law of organ donation after brain death, which is currently established in Croatia, lack of coordination of this law with Croatian Codex of Medical Ethics and Deontology in regard to family permission for organ donation after brain death arise as our particular ethical questions along with insufficient patients’ recruitment as candidates for TX. It is expected to have TX with organs of non-human origin in the future,like the one bred in a swine, which may raise new ethical concerns